Almighty One.

your splendor is, indeed, something to behold!

this sky... pouring forth knowledge.

this mountain... rising up in praise.
i imagine you calling up a certain line in the earth... perhaps with your finger, perhaps with your breath, or just a word...

the low-flying heron... slow, steady.
set by your very own rhythm.
surely, nothing in this world has taught it such a rhythm.

the calf & mama cow grazing and grooming by the side of the stream...
sweet, tender, continuation of life here...

splendor, all splendor!

may the heart of the Creator be blessed by the splendor of his created.

and let my own life be included in the splendor of your hands...

let it be that which points to you and gives you glory.



Rachel Bostwick said...

Yes, and Amen.

Dulcimer said...

Thanks, B., for this.

And amen!


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