numbering days.

"teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." ps. 90:12

for how vast and timeless you are,
i praise you,
exalt you,
lift you up.

for how you create, sustain, hold together,
i adore you...

you're so vast,
so timeless,
so powerful,
so elusive yet ever-present.

you are a mystery.
i am in love with you.

how fast and furious is our time here...
but you know that.
how often it holds so much pain and disappointment...
but you know that, too.
all hidden in you, in your secret things.
all those secret God things.

and then there are all the little plain things of here.
foggy mornings, tea, naps, conversations, Larissa learning what a robin is!
and i learn to love all the you in the ordinary of living.
the little things...
you are there whispering your delight in us,
in the sweetness of existance.

how do we hold these things?
and up to you...
for they are all mysterious;
the good and the bad.
mysteries hidden in the vast cloak of my God.

i cannot help but long for the day when you take off your cloak.
not so i can know any more about the mysteries hidden in it.
but really so i can see how shiny your face is.
to see what glory really is...

let my days be numbered... i cannot wait!


Rachel Bostwick said...

This is so beautiful. Not just the words, but the thought. I love it.

Dulcimer said...

I am a terrible friend . . . I just FINALLY stumbled across your bloggings from the past few months! Beautiful.


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